Friday, 5 February 2010

How to Hide Music Inside A Picture ?

Here in this post I'll tell you a cool way of hiding a music file inside a picture !

Steps -

What you will need:
A GIF image

An MP3 music file (preferably not too long)

A computer (hopefully you figured this one out on your own :P )

Step 2: open your command prompt
there are a thousand and one ways to open your command prompt. here's one of them.

-windows users, hit windows+r (that's hold the windows button and hit r)
and type cmd into the window that opens.

-Linux users right click and choose xterm.

-Mac users should be the same as Linux users, but I haven't tried this in mac, so good luck.

if you know a better way, list it in the threads section.

Step 3:Navigating using command line
Here's a quick rundown on command line navigation:

ls - lists all the files in the current directory
cd - changes what directory you're in (traverse directories using this)
cat - can be used to view the contents of a file or to copy a file or to combine two files.

dir - lists all the files in the current directory
cd - changes what directory you're in (traverse directories using this)
copy - can be used to copy a file or to combine two files.

how to use the cd command:
cd .. backs out of the current directory/folder

Step 4:Combining the MP3 and the GIF
make sure you are in the same directory/folder as the mp3 and the gif.

for Windows users type:
copy picture.gif /b + music.mp3 /b combined.gif
(where picture.gif is your gif image, music.mp3 is your mp3 music file, and combined.gif is the final product)

For Linux/Mac users type:
cat picture.gif sound.mp3 > picture2.gif
(where picture.gif is your gif image, sound.mp3 is your mp3 music file, and picture2.gif is the final product)

after this you should have a finished .gif product

Step 5: Final

The .gif that you have now looks like a normal gif, but if you throw it into a music player it will play the mp3.

I hope you like it. Please pass the comment

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